Wash and Rinse Dishes Thoroughly

Protect the health of your crew by thoroughly washing, rinsing and sanitizing dishes. Let dishes and utensils air dry. The dirty dishwater should be disposed of at least 200 feet behind the campsite and at least 200 feet from any water source.

No Climbing Allowed

Rock climbing, rappelling and tree climbing are not permitted. BSA regulations require 

advanced training and equipment which is not available for use on your trek.




The premier Alaskan High Adventure outdoor experience for scouts. Backpacking, hiking, canoeing, fishing and more!

Thank you for your interest in the programs of the Northern Lights High Adventure Base. The Midnight Sun Council, Boy Scouts of America, based in Fairbanks, Alaska, operates the Base.

The mission of the Base is to provide a remote outdoor experience to youth and adults within the Scouting program.

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