The premier Alaskan High Adventure outdoor experience for scouts. Backpacking, hiking, canoeing, fishing and more!
Thank you for your interest in the programs of the Northern Lights High Adventure Base. The Midnight Sun Council, Boy Scouts of America, based in Fairbanks, Alaska, operates the Base.
The mission of the Base is to provide a remote outdoor experience to youth and adults within the Scouting program.
The first step to planning your Northern Lights High Adventure Expedition is to answer the following questions:
1) Which trek do we want to attend? See Leaders Guide for more information on the treks.
2) What day do we want to arrive? Arrival dates are flexible on a first come, first serve basis.
3) How long of a trip do we want? From 3 days to 3 weeks we have an option for you!
4) How many crews will we need? Some trips are restricted in size due to land use permits. See fee section for more details.
Once you have answered all of the above questions, contact NLHA to make your reservation. After reserving your trip, you will have 3 weeks to turn in your $300 deposit per crew member (note: if making reservation after January 1, we require a $1,000 deposit per crew member).
Each Crew must have:
➢ A minimum of two adults (one of which must be at least 21 years of age and registered with the BSA). There are no gender restrictions for leadership except for co-ed Exploring post or Venturing crews, which must have both male and female leadership 21 years old or older.
➢ 1 adult leader trained in the following:
o Wilderness First Aid (16 hour course)
o Weather Hazards
o Safe Swim Defense
o Safety Afloat
➢ All adult leaders must be trained in Youth Protection
All participants:
➢ Must be 14 years of age or have completed 8th Grade upon arrival at NLHA
➢ Must weigh 100 LBS and no more than 295 LBS- more information on pg. 20
➢ Must have a current (within 12 months) and complete BSA Health and Medical Record
➢ Must be classified as a BSA swimmer* if on a water base trek
➢ Must be a registered Scout, Explorer or Venturer
*Swim Checks will be done at Lost Lake Camp by our Life Guards in order to verify that participants are able to swim in Alaskan waters.
Scouting America’s Youth Protection Policies must be adhered to. No one-on-one activities between youth and adults are allowed. The two deep leader policies must be followed. No youth and adults are allowed in the same tents (except family members). Physical, sexual or emotional abuse (including hazing) of a camper by his or her peers or by an adult leader is unacceptable anywhere. Reporting of abuse is the law. The local, county, state or provincial authorities as well as the Council representatives will be contacted if abuse is suspected.
Our forests are a beautiful and valuable heritage. If you spot a fire or think you have, report it to your Trek Leader, who will report it to the base director by radio or phone. Your crew should not attempt to fight wildfires and should quickly leave the area. Because of the wilderness status, some of the areas which have naturally occurring fires may be left to burn naturally. Other man-caused fires may be extinguished. Trained fire fighters will monitor or extinguish the fires accordingly.
Rock throwing is prohibited.
There will be no solo canoeing. There must be a minimum of two canoes at all times with 2 canoeists in each canoe.
You must wear boots or shoes in all wilderness trail campsites, while canoeing, swimming, fishing, etc. Bare feet and under-protected feet are a major cause of foot injuries.
The use of tobacco is never permitted within the line of sight of youth. No smoking is permitted in any NLHA building or vehicle. Each base has a single established tobacco use area.
Possession or use of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or misuse of prescribed drugs is prohibited. Groups or individuals found in violation of this national policy of the Boy Scouts of America will be sent home immediately, as arranged with the council office or parent.
Shooting firearms are not allowed at Northern Lights High Adventure. Do not bring firearms or archery equipment with you. Fireworks are a safety hazard and are prohibited by NLHA. Leave them at home.
A: 1400 Gillam Way, Fairbanks, AK 99701
T: (907) 452-1976