➢ WILDERNESS FIRST AID AND CPR CERTIFICATION – Each Crew must present proof that one adult leader is currently certified in CPR and one adult leader is currently certified in Wilderness First Aid.
➢ BSA E-CERTIFICATIONS – The following trainings can be found at www.myscouting.org. Each Crew must present proof that at least one adult leader has training in each of the following:
o BSA Safety Afloat
o BSA Safe Swim Defense
o BSA Weather Hazards
➢ BSA YOUTH PROTECTION – All Adult Leaders must present proof of current Youth Protection Training. This training can be found at www.myscouting.org.
➢ SWIMMING CLASSIFICATION RECORD - All participants (both youth and adult) must successfully complete the BSA Swimmers’ test here at our Lost Lake Camp supervised by our Life guards. This applies only to canoe/float treks, no need to do a swim check for hiking treks
➢ BSA HEALTH AND MEDICAL FORMS – All participants must submit complete and current (within 1 year) Medical Forms and meet Height/Weight Requirements.
➢ Copy of a submitted application for a TOUR AND ACTIVITY PLAN
Crews will also be asked:
➢ If they have a complete and thorough FIRST AID KIT and WATER FILTERS (we recommend MSR-Filters)
➢ If they have any SPECIAL DEPARTURE PLANS (Early Breakfast, etc.)