Emergency Phone Number

If there is a home emergency while your crew is attending NLHA please contact us at 907.452.1976.


How Do We Stay in Touch with Friends and Family?

Remember that you will be embarking on a wilderness trek. Crews are strongly encouraged to leave connections to the technical world on base when out on the trail. Cell phones are discouraged while in the wilderness, however we do not hold a policy that prohibits them coming on trek. NLHA is also not responsible for any damage or loss of  any devices.

Northern Lights High Adventure provides a reliable means of emergency communication to each crew. Each Trek Leader is issued a Garmin Inreach device for satellite tracking and communication. 

Due to the remote location of the base, we cannot guarantee any cell phone coverage. Similarly, the base does not have any internet connectivity available to crews.

This makes the necessity of completing all E-Certifications ahead of time and bringing paper documentation IMPERATIVE.

If there is an emergency at home while you’re on the trail, Northern Lights High Adventure may be called at 907.452.1976 and we will get the message to you as soon as we are able. Please note that this may mean we will not be able to get the message to you until after you get off of your trek. 


What if there is an Emergency while on the Trail?

Before we discuss emergency communications, it is important to note that Northern Lights High Adventure treks are true High Adventure experiences and your crew will be in a vast wilderness area. Northern Lights High Adventure does NOT maintain regular communication with our crews as it is not necessary and is a drain on resources. If an emergency does happen while on the trail, your Trek Leader should immediately contact the base and our management team will work with the Trek Leader and Crew to figure out the best possible solution. 

All Northern Lights High Adventure crews are issued a Garmin inreach. Your Trek Leader is trained in the operation of this device and will in turn train your crew. Unless otherwise incapacitated, your Trek Leader is solely responsible for any communication with the base.

Northern Lights High Adventure has an amazing safety record and we rarely have to evacuate someone. When we do have to make that decision, please realize that evacuations can take several hours and potentially multiple days as our primary method of evacuation is by canoe or foot. While float planes are a possibility to some locations, the use of them is considered high-risk and therefore they are only used for exceptional emergencies. Also, please note that float planes are not always an immediate option. Even in cases where it is determined a float plane must be utilized it may still be several hours before the evacuation can occur depending on weather and time of day. This why it is absolutely imperative that every crew have an advisor certified in Wilderness First Aid, CPR, Weather Hazards, Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense.



The adult crew advisors are responsible for communicating to parents any notification of illness or injury while attending the Northern Lights High Adventure programs. There will be times when an emergency happens in the wilderness and the adult advisor won’t be able to communicate with the parents. In this case the Camp Director or the person operating on his behalf will contact the parent. The Camp Director or the person operating on his behalf will:

➢ Contact the parent or legal guardian, noted as the emergency contact, on the participant’s medical form. It will be noted on the incident report form with time, date and person spoken

➢ A representative from the crew’s home Council will be notified with time, date and person spoken.

➢ If the person is transported by air, a copy of the medical form will be delivered to the hospital for parent contact or be given to EMS by a Base staff member.

➢ All information will be given on an as needed basis to keep participant confidentiality.  



What is Medical Service Like in the Area?

The nearest major hospitals are in Fairbanks and Anchorage. These facilities do accept most major insurances and offer all major services.